Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I was told by my Psych prof that I looked like a cartoon...I agreed.

I have always been an artsy person (well at least I claim to be). I'm very eccentric (no duh) and partly because I love all things weird and flamboyant -looking. If my high school had no uniforms, I would probably be seen wearing weirdly matched pieces of black overhauls or whatnot. I'm not the kind of artist carries around a sketch pad and pencil (I couldn't draw if it saved my life). I am more of what you call a literal 'expressionist.' I enjoy the dramatic arts (back and frontstage). I adore literary arts and I am always fascinated and inspired by the more concrete and visual art. I can paint a little but not as well as my 'laking Nido' panganay ate and Monet-ish/AnneRiceinthemaking other ate but I'm...aiiiyyyttt. I found more comfort and satisfaction with...waitforit....cosmetics and body paint. I dunno. There's something about being able to transform the way you look through a few brush strokes and whatnot. I love it. Sometimes, I obsess about a certain art piece that I tend to think of ways to create something similar to it haha and thus I found the easiest (in my opinion anyway) and budget friendly way (I use my own skin--a reusable canvass. WARNING: Improper skin care could cause permanent damage!).

Like my writing, my 'body art' comes with a mood and sometimes, it gets stingy but I have to control it. It's pretty pesky and the art takes quite some time to complete (documentation is even longer!). Admit it, there are few non-vain people left in the world. I'm pretty sure everyone has gotten a BA on the 'know my perfect angle through my camera-phone' course. So I thought, hey, maybe I could change it up!

I guess my fascination with body art came from my childhood of Anime, Manga and YA fangirling. When I was in elementary, I've always wanted to try cosplaying. It's probably the fault of Questor Magazine, K-zone  and well...JAPAN. The hobby wasn't very popular back then and our province didn't hold much events for that. Heck, Halloween isn't even celebrated here that much and so my some crazy coincidence, an opening in High School occurred combining my love for theatre and RPG- declamation. I wrote my own piece as inpired by my favorite musical ever- A.L.Webber's The Phantom of the Opera entitled, "Masquerade." I originally opted to just wear some of my dad's coats but my mom insisted that we have a cape and mask made for the role. Yeap, that's my mom for ya. And it all paid off, I won third and I was just a sophomore back then (ahihihi, modesty aside). Something lit up that day and I just enjoyed the whole costume gig. I wasn't that fond of make up then. I didn't even know how to put them on! But thanks to yearly competitions and occasional school plays, I was given more opportunities to practice the craft. It was only during the college that I was able to attend some cons and do shoots during breaks or free times. Occasionally, I would just do some practice makeup for fun and then schedule went hectic and I said bye bye to formal Cosplay and cons and went on with creative make-up and photography. And tadaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! here are two compilations of some of my works:
Top to bottom: Ring Mistress (OC), Effie Trinket inspired makeup (Hunger Games), Black Swan, Mad Hatter, Bananach (Wicked Lovely), Misa Amane (Death Note), Ring Mistress 2, Ciel Phantomhive Female (Kuroshitsuji) 

L-R: Death from the Sandman, Citizen of Capitol (Hunger Games), Selina Kyle aka Cat Woman (DC), Lady Joker (DC), Loki inspired makeup (Marvel), Bananach inspired makeup (Wicked Lovely), Vampire

All taken from 2000-12 by me. Lots more where that came from as well as makeup I did for others. I'll probably talk about my projects per collection in separate posts as well include some short tutorials and product reviews. 

One of my psych professors told me that I looked like a cartoon well an anime to be exact. Funny how she said that without knowledge of my cosplaying past, haha, I thought it was because of my animated personality or something but I guess, I kind look pleasantly weird?

You what they say, you can't just major in psych without being a little crazy XD

I learn and get inspirations for my work through these people here:
Youtube artists like audfaced  (http://www.youtube.com/user/audfaced). She does great cover makeups which are easy to follow. She uses a variety of makeups which aren't necessarily hard to find nor are too expensive and some of her renditions are actually characters that I love! Not very conventional but that's what I love about her :D

Of course Michelle Phan (http://www.michellephan.com/cat/beauty), taught me the basics about makeup for any and every event. She's very meticulous and I am amazed abut her step by step methods. Also, she's an Otaku so she's fun to watch!

Also, Klaire (http://www.youtube.com/user/KlairedelysArt?feature=plcp) is one of my favorites. She makes very precise brush strokes which amazes me! All of her works should be displayed in galleries! haha

I also take some cues from Regina Belmonte (http://vivatregina.tumblr.com/) have you seen her Avatar makeup? AH-MAZ(E)-ING!

In a more contemporary sense, I love these three artists the most:

Dave Mckean -because above all, he is the most eccentric out of them. Genius.

Andy Warhol- because he is not afraid to do crazy and be crazy.

Jill Thompson- because she is not afraid of color.

I never get bored with looking at their works. Another thing I love about them? They're not afraid to be themselves :)

So here I am at trying not to be afraid of being myself haha. Make-up less me:

Note: Taken during a good day haha (count how many times I've used the word).

The Bully is Back

I have not been an active blogger or any other so-called active netizen for quite a while now and wow, do I have a lot of catching up. I've decided to revive my blog here since I ought to have some sort of space where I could vent some stuff in my head and double as archive for some uh...well actual stuff. It's practically personal and I'm not expecting anyone to actually read my posts. This just serves as a cathartic purposed but   if you do happen to drop by I hope you enjoy reading my blurbs. (Forgive typos and such since I seldom check my posts haha).

So...what have I been up to? Basically this---Senior University life. BS Psychology ain't easy I tell ya but hey , its hella fun to know the workings of the human mind and personality. Plus preparing for Med school and such (Thesis + Applications), its amazing how I still have time to do all of this. It helps, I guess.

If you've noticed the side bar labeled "Welcome to my Dollhouse," you'll encounter a description of what you can expect to read/see from my posts. I love Art. I love Science. I love Literature. And that is why I intend to mash up all of my crazy interests and talk about them here. 

I don't really update on a certain cue. I update when I can, so yeah.... (I am behind maintenance of my dA Cosplay and Art group site, at least 2 chapters behind my Avengers fanfiction, 50 hours away from OJT completion and 3 tests away from finishing prelims exams, you dig?)

I forgot other points I wanted to write. I'm pretty sure I was about to write something mind-boggling and quotable and probably give you a link somewhere...So, I'll stop here. 

P.S Weather's still cats and dogs so, keep safe guys and always be on alert to help others.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Philippine Storm Aftermath

It is a trying time for us and I took this time to help spread awareness of my current situation. 

I do apologize for using this account to ask for your help. But this is the least that I could do. 
Some of us are lucky enough to safe, warm and fed while some are need of more supplies and comfort and so if you know anyone or if you yourself would like to help in any way, it is very much appreciated. 
(Let's not entertain conspiracy theories and point fingers at whose at fault, 
let us all focus on the important matter at hand)
Here are some websites you can visit to learn how you can help.



Some pictures taken by my buddy Eddxer:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog Site under construction

Because I am terribly busy but sincerely inspired for a total 360 on my blog, I will slowly but surely revive it hopefully soon. Yay! P.S mostly my posts are about the gerrrlllyyyy side of me haha, laterz!