Friday, September 7, 2012

From the Mothership and Back

What is HumanHeartNature?

Basically it is an all organic hodgepodge of beauty and health care products which me and my family are going gaga over. Why? Well one, because all products are made mostly from natural substances and materials which neither harm your skin nor your wallet and two, it supports charity. I have never been so happy to spend 300 pesos on complete hair care products which smells so good to eat that the scent could cause people to turn heads and wonder where the Fruitas stand is nearby (harhar). HHN provides a variety of products for head to toe care which doesn't leave you guilty clutching excitedly on their recycled paper bags when you leave their store or receive your order. 
HHN is Pro-Philippines in the sense that it promotes indigenous means and materials in their manufacturing and sales. 
HHN is Pro-Poor as it reaches out to those seeking employment and strengthens our workers in agriculture/farming and is teamed up with Gawad Kalinga and other organizations which help farmers in particular with their livelihood.
HHN is of course Pro-environment. Unlike other products who use large quantities of chemicals or synthesized materials which are harmful to our body, HHN aims to create products which prevents any toxic reactions that are also harmful to the environment.
What's not to love right? It's fairly priced, you have a variety of choices and you get to shop for charity!