Thursday, December 30, 2010

End the year with a bang or boom

It’s been at least half a month since I last played RockBand, about half a year since my last Con, 2 and a half years since I last played with my guitar and now here I am typing this entry on my blog New Year’s Eve. This blog hasn’t been online for long but since I first started it, it has changed my life in a number of ways unimaginable. I feel kind of bipolar and schizophrenic at the same time whenever I write on this blog. One moment I’m ranting about this thing that happened and the next I’m being all emotional and thankful for another. I feel different at times. Lighter in the least whenever I write here. Typically, I’m not one to shy away from how I truly feel when it comes to writing. This blog has served as a part of my journal that I am willing to share and relate with others. I fear no such criticism and anger with what I write here. And if I acquire readers that I am not in close relations with, please forgive my honest and seemingly shocking language. I do not mean to harm anyone or anything. I am here simply because I want to express myself in the most truthful way possible. I may not always share everything that happens in my life but I will write things that I think are beneficial to others. I may seem opinionated and selfish and I do apologize but please be cautious with judgment since what I state is merely a personal opinion and it does not reflect my whole being in the most one-sided manner. I do thank all those people which have made my stay here an enjoyable and I do hope to become more active with managing my blog. I have other online work places you see and with the hectic time in school , I cannot promise a regular update. Still, I want to make an effort to update. My time here means time for myself. I am a workaholic and sometimes I tend to work too much. And this year, I will avoid at all costs overworking myself for I’ve learned that the hard way.

It’s the New Year and seriously, I would like to start fresh in a number of ways. Believe it or not, at 18, I still make a list my New Year’s Resolutions. Sad to say, for the past years, I honestly never fulfill the whole list but I do try. I guess what my list is trying to tell me is to be more REALISTIC XD haha! FOINE!

Anywho, hopefully my more realistic list will get more checkmarks this coming year. Hey couldn’t blame a girl for wishing to go to AFA LOL.

This year has been quite a ride. From almost making it to the Dean’s List (BITTER!!!), to my 18th birthday, wowza, I can’t believe how time has passed by so quickly!

Posted below are a few pictures and screen shots of what I’ve been up to the whole year.

Alice In Wonderland Photoshoot (c)fayerayosphotography and postprocessing

Pandora Cosplay Cirque's First Anniversary

Backdoor Venture's Arts And Music Fashion Show
Fictionpress story updates

Summer Cos-Tour
Vamp-ed Shoot
Volturi Reunion
18th Birthday

Paskuhan 2010

Christmas 2010

To the people I’ve shared a wonderful year with, thank you! I wouldn’t have survived without you. I will leave 2010 without regrets no matter what and I look forward to 2011. And as I go back to regular classes in the Main Building of UST, I give a toast to the next 400 years!


Let’s all be a firework and give light and joy to everyone J


The eyeliner wearing bully, faye



Thursday, December 23, 2010

You're never too old for Santa


Every year, we plan a day where we go stuff ourselves, go shopping and basically just relax for a at least a day or two. The whole trip was quite something alright but it didn't exactly start of in great terms.

Our car got a flat tire from all of the things that we brought with us, including the live chickens that my dad's friend ordered. We were already at mid-SLEX when it happened. Thank goodness though that my dad, ever so prepared, brought with him 3 jacks XD Yes, his spare has a spare :D Our driver, Kuya Santi, was also able to change the tire within a few minutes. Thank goodness we were close by a gasoline/vulcanizing station and we were able to arrive in Manila safely. Our first stop was at Burger King in E-rod where we waited for my eldest to arrive. We had breakfast there and I took a few family photos while waiting. (More photos can be seen on my FB account. I won't be posting a lot of fam photos here for privacy reasons.)

I took this photo when my dad was giving an alternate direction towards our favorite mall. There was bad traffic that afternoon. I took us an hour or so to arrive.

The day was a success and the best part of it all was when my nephew got to meet Santa for the very first time. (And yes, it's okay for kids to believe in jolly 'ol St. Nicholas. :D) Anything to light up the face of your loved one :3 That's what I always say.

The ride back to the place we were staying that night was reasonably fast. I was able to practice a bit of lightpainting and fractional photography on the way. I'm still a little rusty with my new baby EOS 500D. I think, the camera that I got as a debut/surprise Christmas present suits me well. It's handy, practical, and I can point and shoot photos as well as film. ;)) barely read the manual, bet hey, my old de-film photojournalism days sure are coming in handy.

Happy Holidays!

Will post more photos soon! :DDDDD

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Out of this world

doodle by yours truly
By popular demand XD

According to the ever trusted Wikipedia,

Alien or Aliens may refer to:


I've met a certain ET who should most definitely take a rocketship home. I'm sorry but whoever you are, you are getting on my nerves. It's bad enough that you (among your kind) claim to be this highly intelligent hardworking species but you just won't stop at that. You want to take over the world and all its glory and claim that you've done it all on your own and benefit from your own hard work. That's bull. Take the movies perse, is not through observation of these supernatural beings on humans that they are able to conquer the planet? Is it not that they change their skin in order to blend with our species? To belong? (Yeah, you can trash the thing about the movies shit but I will state my point.)

There are just these annoying people with weird faces who love basking in reflected glory! I mean who does that? Say for example, lie in front of your professor and be all high and mighty about an assignment that you contributed little to? Hello! Modesty aside, I WAS APPOINTED THE LEADER. And I was even considerate enough to give you little work in order for you to meet the deadline of another project! And to think you were the last person to send me your share of the work which turned up WRONG. I didn't bother letting you correct it because of the lack of time, I wasn't even able to study well for a quiz because of said homework. YOU really boiled it all when you went all "jolly-airhead" when you volunteered to talk about our assignment. Your pretentious explanation of what our homework is about sickens me. Why? Well first of, it's a RESEARCH work, YOU were supposed to READ the JOURNALS that YOU DENIED and IMPATIENTLY didn't WAIT for. All that false passion shit, does not work well with me. And guess what, you would've compensated if you asked for me to HELP you. Damn it. YOU ARE A SELFISH CRETIN.

I say,

You do not belong.
No human would ever be so vile.

Modesty aside once more, I am generally a patient and nice person and considering the amount of ethics that I gave to you because of "issues" with others, you disgust me to the core.

I am trying to just be casual with you because you are still "allegedly" a person.

But do that again and you'll see STARS :))) And I promise, that one's gonna take you home >:D

P.S Have you ever watched Mars Attacks, you know the Burton Classic? Well, I've always wondered if you listen to this music on you overly used earphones, that one day, your permanently tipped head will explode.

Yes. I get mad but only for good reason, because you stupid alien, most definitely did NOT COME IN PEACE.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


*LATE POST (Dec. 1, 2010, 12:08 a.m)

It’s officially December and I’m having a personal debate (yes, between myself) as to reading my aunt’s long overdue book (Cross Fire by James Patterson), and typing this entry (When I say type, I mean just document. I don’t think I’m in the mood to post this right away and if I do, just scratch the last part.

Things are getting crazy around here, in both good and bad ways. First off, I missed Laurent Kate when she arrived for a signing last Sunday and second of all, NSTP ruined my weekend and I ended up cramming for our novel like homework for social psych WHILE I was still recovering from slight fever and major fatigue. These proved to be inevitable obstacles and when my sisters and I decided to start with Christmas shopping. But hey, at least my ate was able to check on me and anyone who knows me would know that Malls are instant panacea to my sickness (at least for a while). We actually thought that the Malls would be so packed and traffic would be crazy because of the Holiday, luckily, time was on our side and we breezed through the trip successfully. Hopefully, I can say the same with PE (Ahem, JR!).

I love keeping busy and all, what with all the markings on my planner tainted in red and green (and pink), and school work is the same old load (heavy load but hey, I’m gettin’ by), I am sometimes bothered by something that I can’t seem to figure out. And I think it’s just now that I’ve come to realize that what has bothered me all along, was thought of not having anything to do and not having anything to look forward to. And when I say look forward to, it always has something to do with an eventful and productive vacation. I guess, what I actually fear is coming back to the dorm after the Christmas break and having nothing to look forward to for like the next few months!

Ever since the second sem started, we’ve been having a relatively busy start. Colleges are celebrating their weeks as well as departments, holidays, professors on leave (or missing), etc… And now that the Christmas Concert is coming followed by the Paskuhan week and other (surprise) events like the Q-rosary and all, I’m expecting more crammed work and fast paced lectures and more takehome paperwork before the Paskuhan week comes. Don’t get me wrong, it may seem like a hectic time, and it is, though, I have to admit the hype is getting to me early (no wonder, I can’t concentrate well in Chem XD). I guess I just like planning for something productive and stress free at the same time, I mean come on, once school starts again in January, I wouldn’t be caught doing much of the intricate planning as much as I had during December. I don’t think counting down the days to Summer vacation at the start of the year is healthy anyway.

It’s gonna take a lotta space for me to enumerate the things I’ve got planned for this month, but one thing’s for sure, I’m gonna love every bit of this season.

Wow, I’m sounding more positive than usual. This post isn’t really a rant or anything. ( I guess I needed this after…uh…some STUFF that’s been going on). It must be my returning addiction to Friends (all seasons J) and the bunch of Christmas songs I’ve been adding to my iPod.

Ahh….It’s the most wonderful time of the year! (The most epic Christmas song evaaaaah!)

P.S The Gwyneth Paltrow ep of Glee was epic. Can she be anymore cool? XD (I guess it comes along with being married to the pioneer of Coldplay, Chris Martin.)

Next Agenda: Watch The Grinch.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

On the 4th day of Christmas

Disclaimer: This is just a pre-Christmas post to blow off some steam. A post with better enthusiasm will follow.

I am typing this at my sister's place right now and I have to say that I am not happy. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, it did.

My sister and I went to gateway to scout for gifts and then meet-up with our eldest sis after lunch. While waiting, I took the time to stroll and buy gifts for my best buddies. I went from store to store in a relatively fast pace it was only at around 1:30 when things slowed down. I had a number of the what I call, youdon'tlookrich/you'rejustakidwithnomoney treatment. I have made a conclusion that it doesn't matter if you're inside a high-end store or a local one, there are still ill-mannered salesfolk. Though I never expected a high end department store to to look down on me and my sisters so much. No offense to the whole store, I mean majority of the salespeople there were great! But those in the gift wrapping section have issues. Especially the middle aged guy wrapping the gifts, I mean, it was fine when we had to wait a while because ofthe stack of gifts on the counter but seriously, the guy didn't have to be so rude and make side comments when my ates where waiting. What ticked us off was that the second time around, we thought we'd get faster service and all but no. The overmanned station was getting slower just because they were too busy complaining.

The worst part of the the day was when we were already on our way home. When we were getting a taxi,a bunch of guys cut us off and the lady in the dress got the cab that we signaled just because she was next to us and was wearing a skimpy outfit. The cab waved back at us but then swerved off toward the lady. Talk about frustrating, we were trying to catch the 6pm mass but clearly it wasn't an option anymore. The silver lining of the long wait was a nice gentleman gave us his cab. See? There's still courteous people in the spirit of the Holiday.

Or so we thought. The cab driver asked us immediately that we were supposed to give an additional fee because of the distance. We figured that it was already late so we obliged. The driver was the most annoying/disturbed person of that I've ever met. He was babbling questions at my ate about Myoma regarding if it was cancerous or not, my ate answered his questions in the best possible way that he could understand. When my ate asked if it was his wife who had it, he said that it was actually his indeed although they were already newly separated since a month ago since his wife allegedly cheated on him when she was abroad. He said that she married his lover while they were still together as well. He said that he was 80% moved on and recovered even though before that he was drinking for three days nonstop making him unable to drive his taxi and indebted to alot of people.

Now what would you do if you were his passenger at that time?

Naturally, his statement would alarm you. And believe us,it did so we decided to just get off and stay at my sister's place for the night. Thank goodness it was near the mall!

We opted not to take another taxi because the day was showing signs of uncertainty. Better safe than sorry.

There are a number of more unfortunate details that I refuse to enumerate but I am just happy that we got a lot of warning signs. Thank you so much God.

Despite the events that I stated, it was a fine day.I got to see Issa, Ienne, Jerina and Sherwin at the mall with my sisters. I felt better since. :))

I'm so happy I got to be with my sisters and I was able to accomplish half of my Christmas shopping.

Lesson learned: People get crazy during Christmas season.

.....and I think cab drivers are great thesis subjects for Psychology.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Emotional Anatomy of the Jacket

The Emotional Anatomy of the Jacket

© Faye Rayos

There are three compartments of a Jacket:

The longitudinal sockets for arms

-right and left,

The base of the Hood (if any) and,

The outside pockets (if prevalent at all).

Each part bears significance,

Mystery and modest superficiality.


The whole of the parts give but one simple definition-

That is to mystify the beholder with a deceitful warmth and comfort

Which plagues both day and night and heat and rain.

For with long sleeves that shadow the hands,

Leave no fingers to trace the wrong undone and the right closed in a fist,

Feeling nothing but the pressure of the fingers in the palm as it

Tightens the grip of the truth of the lines of life mapped out in the palm’s skin.

In the winter, the hands quiver and shake still ungloved,

Left only with the ease of the cloth of the garment’s sleeve.

Numbing the sense of touch,

Unfeeling the sensitivity and the prick of the ice on each fingertip,

That once weave and touched lives with joyful memories.

But only memories are to be left,

And these that are to be left are left unspoken, undermined and still,

Just memories.

Virtue still holds true in the pulse felt on the wrist.

The pulse is virtue to the beheld himself the longing to be set free and be true.

‘tis a disappointing feat to be lost in himself for trust or no trust,

He cannot decide.

And what of rain which singlets of water gently soothes in the piercing of dew through skin?

It is the garment’s mantle which now then shields our head, particularly our face,

Our face is roofed over by the shade of the hood,

In its best effort to enclose the cold sighing and tears of nature.

Same happens through with Day,

As sunlight encapsulates our entirety.

Withering the natural color of our skin or discoloring what is to be what was.

True Enough,

The hood,

hides our senses,

It blinds, it deafens, it nulls.

So who is to say what is true?

When one piece of garment trusted for protection,

Could break so much of its duty and loyalty in the eyes of the beheld and beholder?

When it does nothing but deceive?

What does it mean to be deceived anyway?

When what you thought was protection could all just be burnt or ripped or faded in time?

Will you pick up the patches and create a new suit?

Or will you use what is left behind to make a rag?

Soggy, old, dirty, used.

Beneath it all,

What matters most is that the garment knows of what it’s doing.

It does not leave its master, it is quite the contrary actually.

It is the master-beheld and beholder- that drags it around,

Washes it until it withers its color,

Testing its patience and strength by tugging and pulling it to fit our frames.

Still, who is to say what is truly right?

None of us are really able.

But, a thought must ponder for all,

As long as the Jacket has an opening and closing,

it doesn’t matter….

What it looks like,

How it is worn,


When it is worn.

What matters most is that it is kept.

Used well,




And in cases that the jacket is tightly embraced in our bodice,

As long as there’s a zipper that holds it in,

We can be assured that it will never be forever dark, empty, and closed.

And the side pockets?

Well let’s just say,

If the hands get tired of the heat and cold,

Dust and rain,

The side pockets will always be there to offer its comfort,

And serve as a catcher to its downfall.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gross Infallibility

Gross Infallibility



What is Justice to the Blind?

Perfection exists only in the eyes of the seemingly perfect.

Unblemished curtails taste only the glory of the charlatan,

Feasting in gluttonous amounts of pride and one-sidedness,

Pushing the consumed morsels down into one’s throat with-

Cups of blood collected and tears drawn from the innocent.

The wicked sees no failure,

But the glory of others into their eyes is Sin.

Mortality is high when stakes do not favor their ploy.

They are the rule,

We are the subjects……….

Friday, November 19, 2010



Here’s another one of my rants but unlike my usual blabber about injustice and whatnot, this could actually serve as an eye opener or better yet reminder to our (mis)trusted taxi drivers.

The story that sprang this post happened last night when my sister fetched me from my university and we were looking for a ride home (no, I will not specify the place for safety reasons). The ideal mode of transportation at that hour was of course to take a cab. I mean, I understand that its rush hour and its Friday for crying out loud and at that very moment people are naturally thinking of dinner because of the long hours of work/study (believe me, BioOrg class was not a good one for me that night…) and it’s only natural that most cabs are already filled with passengers but hey, when you see an empty taxi after waiting for N-minutes to an hour or so and the cab actually stops in front of you, you’d get this giddy feeling of relief and content but that just couldn’t be the situation for us. It was worse enough that some damn girls in their skirts claim that the cab that we called were theirs and they were mocking us when we were already inside the taxi and the driver denied our transportation because of the traffic in our location (to think that those girls were heading in a further place than ours!) that we had to experience and far worse situation. The next cab that stopped for us yelled at my sister!

Here’s the conversation.

My ate in all calmness: Manong sa _______ po.

Kuya: Ay hindi, ayoko doon.

My ate: Sige na kuya. Late na, bawal po tumanggi.

Kuya in all his red-faced-sorry assed-vein popping expression and loud voice: ALAM KONG BAWAL! WALA AKONG PAKI!

My ate barely closed the door when he began to drive off.

Tell me dear citizens of the Philippines, WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN THAT?

I would prefer very much that he just deny giving us service but to yell at my sister in all his negative glory?! See? The jack-ass knew he was wrong and went with is impatience and arrogance to fuss us off. I’m very sorry for the language and the manner that I write this entry. What I felt after the incident was definitely… Ugh… DISGUSTED.

Buti pa yung manong na nagpaumanhin dahil gutom na siya, sige, ayos lang. Maganda naman ang pagkasabi. Masgugustohin ko na rin and sapilitang pagsasakay ng jeep ng mga 15 na tao sa isang sakayan kahit tila sardinas na ang hitsura namin. But for one who works for public service to deny you your right in the most outrageously disrespectful way?

We are all public servants and we all have equal rights. Let us exercise them with dignity and prudence if that’s not so hard to ask.

Sometimes I wonder if the street vendors who helped us with getting a taxi and comforted my sister after being verbally abused (yes, we can actually sue for verbal abuse) should have it better than tha taxi and comforted my sister after being verbally abused (yes, we can actually sue for verbal abuse) should have it better than the stuffy (I mean HEALTHY, beer bellied) taxi driver or the well to do mocking-gays who stole our ride. Then again, my sister told me that maybe what happened was a good thing.

It was a good thing in a sense that if ever the other 2 were to drive us home with such foul display of attitudes, what could have happened to us? Luckily, we walked away with just an ulcer and no more.

Still, I don’t think this is a matter not to be reckoned with. It’s ironic when I think about what happened that night and when I remember the insight that my Social Psych professor shared with us. She said and I quote “…whenever I criticize the wrong that I see in our society. I don’t think that it makes me less of a Filipino.” In fact she explained and made a clear point that because she is critical about what she observes in the mores broken that she shows that she is more concerned and loving to her country. I cannot help but agree with her. If the majority of society today would continue living in neutral ground then nothing could ever be achieved. I do not believe that most often than not people learn from their mistakes by committing more. On the other hand, two negatives may make a positive right? But I say, the more the wrongs done, the more it negates the purpose.

I was amazed at myself for keeping calm amidst our situation, usually I would already be darting glares and such, I guess the Holy Spirit was clearly working at our side, keeping me grounded. In fact, I half expected that I’d be cursing unfathomable words inside my head over and over again, but hey, I would never want to level with those who lack veneration.

I wouldn’t have minded paying extra for our cab as long as we got home safe. Then again, you cannot meter COMMON COURTESY or lack thereof.

As for the Airport taxi guy who agreed to take us home in such kind manner, thank you and bless you always. God is working with you.

And to you sirtaxiguywiththeweirdteethandloudvoicewhoyelledatmyate, you’re lucky that we didn’t get your license plate but hey, even though we didn’t see it, doesn’t mean that NO ONE DID. *looks up*

I do not and will not wish ill unto others. No. Ethics for me, Etchos for them.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Fame


This is the best way to describe this entry.

Many people ask me why I do the things I do. (Write,speak my mind, Cosplay, Photograph, Photo-Manipulate, Declaim, Orate etc...).

Here's the answer: I do them because, they make up who I am as a person. I could never deny the accusation that most of artists and whatnot do what they do for fame. I say, attention is just a bonus. Whether or not I get noticed doesn't really matter. To me, it's simply a matter of self-expression. Nothing else.

So forgive me for being such a blabber mouth and eye sore to others but I think what matters most is that people get to know who the person is behind all the make-up and loud voice and accept that the things I do, I do because, I'm simply me. Eccentric/loud/weird or whatever else you seem to call me. I am not afraid of labels because I do not believe that they exist. It's really far better off to be yourself rather than be kept hidden. I've learned the hard way that keeping too much of a low pro or being too all high and mighty will do you no good. Its simply but right to filter some things and not share every bit of detail about your personal life though no one should be close minded. In fact everyone should be sensitive and tactful enough to thing of how others could feel first. I may not have the license to say these things because I'm not what you call, "the talk of the town." But I will say these things, just to prove some points.

Being open about my interests and not being ashamed of what I do has enabled me to find such TRUE and GOOD friends. As a college girl, I thought at first that if they knew of those things, I'd be looked down upon, so to those who I have thought upon negatively, I send my apologies. And to my friends and family for being so supportive (despite my high strung comments and relentless teasing *ahem Maki and Luz*), thank you, you guys are the best. No other friends could treat me as well as you all. Thank you for keeping me grounded and for understanding how I kid around with you guys. I want you guys to know that my harsh-sarcastic jokes are just jokes. You all know how gifted you guys are. Let me be the first to tell you how lucky I am to have met you guys, I wouldn't have things any other way. I'd literally die and kill for you guys, so don't worry about anything. :3

Also, I would like to extend my thanks for those who follow, watch, like, comment and view my pages. You guys have no idea how elated you make me feel. I hope that in a way or two, I could return the favor some day. I promise to deliver better articles and artworks for you guys. :) No matter what happens, I will never let things get over my head. I will remain solid and planted firmly on the ground. So, I ask, can you guys grow with me?

I do hope so.

Don't worry, no one has bashed me or anything, but I've been hearing and reading a lot e-wars with some friends and associates. It's really heartbreaking.

For now, I won't comment and just pray that everyone will get along.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tricks and Treats

Me as Death from The Sandman for the Nth time XD

HAPPY HALLOWEEN Halloweenies! XD I just made you guys sound like wimps, no offense meant XD

It's that time of year again where, I dare quote Sue Sylvester from Glee, "...where little boys get to dress up like like little girls and little girls get to dress up like wh**** XD..."
Haha joke aside, I'm actually quite thrilled about Halloween. In fact one of the major reasons why my interest in Cosplay sparked was because of this occasion. I dunno, when I was still a kid, I've always begged my mom to take me around the city to go Trick or Treating in of course, my costume. But I wasn't the conventional type when it came to costumes. I was never the fairy princess little girl. I was more of a Iwannalookscarybutprettyatthesametime kinda kid XD

My mom would eventually tell me that the dogs would bite me if I went door to door so she'd bring home a bag of candies and chocolates for me and my sibs and tell us that she already went door to door for us. (Truth is, my mom and dad would go to the supermarket and buy treats for us in order to feel the Halloween spirit?! O_O)

Anywho, Halloween isn't celebrated the "traditional way" here in the PH. (Yeah no longer RP but PH or PHL.) Which kinda sucks especially for the kiddos. But hey, we don't exactly have the traditional neighborhood setting do we? But luckily our local malls and other business establishments hold their own public Halloween Party settings and Trick or Treat venues.

If you're going to ask me if Halloween feels like a normal holiday for a cosplayer, its not. In fact the holiday provides non-cosplayers an opportunity to dress in costume. Its the fun of being able to be free to express yourself and be someone completely different even for just a day. Maybe I'm just saying this because I've been in a Burton frenzy for quite a while now. But, in ways I cannot explain, I just really love Halloween.

When I was still in HS, we used to hold annual Halloween parties at our house for the kiddos, but we were only able to hold 3 proper ones due to a few complications. Our first was themed in Halloween Colors, then we had our Pirates of the Caribbean theme and our last was the RockStar theme. (You'll see two collages here in my blog with pics from the last two themes. Do note that those are VERY OLD XD. I may look different. In fact, it was before I started formal cosplay and what not.)

What I enjoy most about Halloween is the Horror movie/series marathons, ghost stories, popcorn and sweets. I love the thrill (lol) of the spine-tingling tales they air on the tube. I'm a big fan of the Horror and Thriller genre but I'm especially fond of the Gothic Romanticism that some movies/books have.

This year, I've decided to go with the whole Death from the Sandman headshot thing. It's sort of an annual tradition every Halloween.

Call me morbid or weird or whatever, but hey, that's just me. :)

I'll be posting some Halloween stories for ya soon. Right now, I have to hurry and prepare for our visit in the cemetery for our loved ones.

Enjoy the holiday!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Flood, Net Lagging and FREEDOM!

Seriously, the flood’s driving me crazy.

It’s been roughly a week since my vacation started and I just got back home last Wednesday only to be greeted by the flooded streets on our way home to Pangasinan. I just hope and pray that those who were badly affected are coping well.

I guess my family and I are among the more fortunate ones. Although at times the electricity fluctuates, we have it and our water and food supply is fine. Thank you God! <>

The flood I guess is primarily due to the water released by a nearby dam. The SUDDEN release really bites! The pictures posted here are proof of what I mean.

Ah well, I gotta find something to do right? I hope I’m lucky enough to be able to post this.

*Sigh* It’s quite heartbreaking how water got inside our house as well (due to bad drainage, but all’s good.) We have to eat up though, in our balcony and I’m not so happy with it since I get to see the flooded driveway T_T

I hope it subsides soon. My mom told me that I looked too pale when we arrived home. I need a bit of sun. (I guess I was spooked at the sight of all the water around us when we were on our way home. To think that we had to cross a river which was already overflowing O_O My heart skipped a beat…)

Gah, well at least I could take my mind off of the grade posting for a while. Besides, Halloween’s comin’! I’m just not sure if the things planned for the sem break will follow through because of the typhoon. Anywho, as long as everyone’s fine, I’m good.

P.S (Belated) Happy Birthday to Maki, the VOCALIST of the group. > :D

P.P.S. I didn’t like the Grilled Cheesus episode of Glee K

BTW, saw my grades! WHOOO! I'm soooo happy < >

Bored but safe,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Make-up Ish part 2


Yes, after n-months, I entered the beauty store in SM San Lazaro, and was pleasantly (uhuh, PLEASANTLY) surprised with what I saw that day.

Honestly, I was expecting the same dream team of the mean gurangs who insulted me since I last visited the store and what do you know, they are actually complete, even the way they put on too much foundation on their astringent burnt face was identical to what I saw last time. The only difference was that they actually greeted me in their entire saleslady demeanor. I winced and was reluctant to respond. I couldn’t believe it actually and that was when a new lady approached me and asked if I needed assistance. I smiled at her, she looked very nice and then that was when I knew why the wicked witches were acting all goody-goody with me. On her right breast pocket, a name plate with the label MANAGER was engraved. Syempre, nanjan si boss kaya dapat mabait. That was when something in my evil little mind cooked up. I decided to ask the manager about the Kajal eyeliner again and that’s when I noticed that one of the rude ate’s recognized who I was. Biglang lumapit si rude ate 1 nung pinapakita na saakin ng manager ung blue na eyeliner, sabay bungisngis.

(Manager explains and tests product shizzzz habang ako kunwaring nakikinig at si ate nakikisama sa discussion. Ako naman nagaantay na tanungin ako about sa product.)

Me: Oh, I see. Maganda rin pala yung blue.

Manager: Yes ma’am. *sabay tingin sa mata ko* Yung gamit niyo po ba Kajal rin? Ganyan po kasi effect niya, water proof and it gives more definition to your eyes.

Me evil grins (in case you’re wondering, I didn’t buy and Kajal product. I decided to go with another brand. > :D but…..): Uhm, yup. Mas prefer ko kasi yung black.

Manager smiles: Kaya pala mam. Dito niyo rin po ba binili na branch?

Girlalush na saleslady biglang umalis.

Me exhales: Uhm actually. I didn’t. Dapat pero ditto. > :D

Manager: Sayang mam! Next time po dito na lang kayo bumili. Bakit po kayo sa ibang branch bumili? Malayo po ba kayo dito? (MEGA LOL!)

Me clears throat (haha, it’s my chance to tell them off!!!!! > :DDDD): I was supposed to buy here but the same ladies assisting you treated my rudely when I inquired about the same product.

Manager’s eyes grow wide: Hala po mam. Can you please tell me what happened? So that I’ll know how to reprimand them?

Me (doing evil laugh and dance inside my head): Well….blah blah blah….rude…up and down…churvs…

I ended up telling the whole story to the manager who was patient enough to listen to my rants. I told her how degraded I felt with their tone and facial expressions (talk about facials… XD). The manager assured me that they’ll be hearing from her. She acknowledged the fact that they were there to be at EVERYONE’s service and to be courteous to customers. Thank God she did.

I left the store with a smile that day. I noticed that as I left, the three sales ladies were talking with each other and looked at me as I walked away. I guess they knew what they brought upon themselves. D: <

I’m happy I got that over with. I dunno if the way I dressed and put on a bit of make-up helped me that day, but I guess the eyeliner thing gave me a great opportunity to rat them out XD Seriously, that’s what I thing I learned in this country. If you don’t speak up, nothing will ever happen. Justice doesn’t come looking for you, you have to make effort in order to find justice. Because when the time comes, those who took away your right will have justice biting them hard on their sorry arses. XDDD

Note to self: Visit the store next sem and see if they’ve changed.

No one bullies the bully. Especially when it’s eyeliner we’re talking about ^___^ (I’ll give you a free PERMANENT eyeliner if you do :3)

I was supposed to use the Kajal eyeliner for my Death from the Sandman cosplay (as seen in the pic is the trial make-up. Yes, iz blurrryyy) and for my ate's Lady Gaga inspired make-up. Good thing I found a better alternative. GEL LINER BABEH!

RnR baby

The Bully takes a break. A semestral break I mean. Finally, our exams our done, now all that’s left is the lingering thought of our grades… O_O

Those aside, alotta things happened in the past weeks, I mean A LOT, then again if I tell you all about them, I’d probably be sued for over-use of blog space XD.

I’m just posting this as a partial rant, partial de-stressing post since it’s been nearly 3 days since the end of my finals and I’m still stuck at our grimy dorm T__T ugh, someone take me home already! (Yeah, you can figure that I’m broke, or rather, choose to be broke.) All my friends have gone home, I can’t possibly play Rockband by myself XD Plus, my crappy Windows 7 won’t play DVDs, I’m sooooooo bored D;

So yeah, I’ll just settle with my eBooks and updating my fiction press novel.

In case you haven’t realized by now, I have yet to pack my stuff. I’m too lazy to start knowing that I’ll have all the time in the world to do it.

I have a feeling though that when I do get home, I’ll be as busy as a bee. Ah well, better to be doing something productive though lazing around doesn’t sound bad at all.

I don’t really have much to say right now, though I will post some interesting things/events that I think would make good blog entries. (I know, I have nothing else better to do here! :DDDD)

Hopefully, as I write this, the storm reported to hit the Philippines changes route @_@ I cannot afford and extension our stay here at the dorm D;

P.S we saw FVR during the Run for Pasig event. It was pretty hilarious. XD More on the run next time.


Bored out of wits – the eyeliner wearing bully

Saturday, September 18, 2010

14, 17, 18 :3

It’s been 5 days since I turned 18. Wow. I’m really that old now huh? (People who are older than me might be throwing tomatoes in my direction already) XD

I never realized how much the word, Birthday could affect me. And adding the word happy could be an understatement to what I just felt.

Truth is, I used to not really be in much of a hype whenever my birthday’s fast approaching since I started college. One, because, I wasn’t with my family and two, read number one. I guess, I’m always used to just celebrating with the people closest to me at my home or somewhere near it. I just feel safer there but the moment that I celebrated my first birthday away from home, I realized that it’s not so bad. In fact, I’m very lucky to have made great friends in college and I’m very touched that even with distance, there are still those who reach out just to wish me well for my birthday.

This year, I guess is extra special. The minute day turned into night on the eve of my birthday, I’ve been receiving a variety of early greetings.

One of my best friends sent me a voice message with her singing the birthday song to me. Aww, that was so unexpected and touching. I actually cried when I heard it :’)

Plus, some of my cosplay friends even called me, at midnight! XD

I gotta alotta texts beginning midnight until the day ended, but I really made an effort to reply to each and every one of them. :D Plus, I did the same with the wall posts! XD Gosh, it took me, at least 2 hours to thank everyone via FB! XD

But the sweetest thing that happened to me that day was when my closest friends surprised me with a dozen roses and my favorite, Stargazer flower. They even gave it to me while I was on my way towards the Main Building :’)) I was surprised and really touched. I mean, they woke up early just to plan the whole set-up! An aga ko raw kasi magising. Pati delaying tactic ko nakakatuwa. I-enumerate yung laman ng pencil case ko hahahaha!

I am really at lost for words. You guys know me so well. Your gifts were all so personal. I especially loved your letters. Thank you so much, SAM REYES, ISSA D’BAYAN, LUZ REYES, JANN MARK CAPALUNGAN, JAN RAYMUND BULANADI and MIGS GUTIERREZ. <’’3

Thanks for hanging out with me in Red Box Greenbelt. Na-disCOWVER natin na namemorize na natin yung H.S musical routines XD lol! Pati mga K-pop pinatulan na natin.

(P.S I have issues with the Red Box branch there XD)

Seriously all I can say is, I don’t think my Birthday could’ve been Happy without you guys. You indulged me with too many wonderful things and I appreciate all of them but what I treasure the most is the love that you guys have shown me. Thank You So Much.

And Yes, the bully is now 18. Hollaaaaaa!


A message to the other birthday girl :D


I won’t make this long because I’ve already told you what you need to hear but long story short, I LOVE YA! <''3 The effort we placed into planning and preparing your celebration and gifts do not match up to the friendship you’ve given us. I will never forget how happy you looked last Sept. 17, I hope I could see that sweet smile often. You’re so CUTE! :3>


By faye rayos

When lips touch your outer shell,

It is first their eyes that taste the lushness of the toppings.

Greatly fixating upon the small masterpiece in nibbles,

Slowly eating away the entirety and letting each moist piece,

Slide effortlessly down their throats.

Their eyes grow wider,

For the simple looking treat with minimal outer display and color,

Came dancing on their tongues like a raging, blazing, sugary fire,

Consuming every inch until the last morsel parches.

It is sweet.

The cupcake, oh so, simple,

Was indeed, exquisite.

(There’s an underlying interpretation to this poem. Di lang for chibogs XD haha)


Pancakes :3

Off to work!

+~ the bully at 18~+

Saturday, September 11, 2010

RANT :Don't sell me make-up if doesn't work on YOU >:D


The Ish with Salesladies

I hate the “You don’t look rich” / “You look like a kid with no money” look with matching up and down motion of the eyes whenever you walk inside a store.

Duh, even millionaires dress down. Sa tingin niyo ba e hindi rin nagsasando at shorts ang Presidente at si Henry Sy? Syempre naman oo, yun nga lang, baka Hanesway o Ferragamo ang label. Pero, simple parin ang panamit nila.

I have experienced this a few times already and even observed the same thing happen to others especially when I have no make-up on and I’m just wearing a plain shirt plus jeans (they say I look like a highschool student even though I’m already a college sophomore >.<, I beg to differ.) Recently, I entered a beauty specialty store in SM San Lazaro (I don’t want to drop the name of the store but I will describe it) where amidst all the green wall paper are three thirty-something ladies who are inappropriately combing their hair and doing their make-up in public, amidst customers. I didn’t mind this and just thought, fine, the mall just opened half-an hour ago or so… So, I went to look around the store until I was the only one left. When I decided to ask the price of the eyeliner that me and my ate was dying to have, I politely came near the salesladies and politely asked, “Excuse me po, how much po yung Kajal or Kajal (Kay-jal or Ka-djal) eyeliner?” Sabay bungisngis.

Lady 1 raises a brow and pauses, “Ha? Ano yun? Wala kaming ganun.”

I wince and look at the three stare at me indifferently. I point to the display INFRONT of the store where my desired product is being blatantly advertised. (I even opened the testers).
Me, “Uh… ayun po oh. Yung mga nakadisplay po XD”

Lady 2, “Ahhhhhh. *scoff* yun pala e. I ba kasi sinabi mo!” Sabay smart-ass expression.

Lady 3, “Khhhhaaaaaahdyal kasi. Hindi Kajal. Kaa-dyal (magcocorrect ka nga, inconsistent pa. Mali pa. grrrrrr, ano ba talaga ate?)”

Me in a less happy mood, trying my best not to frown, “Ah, sorry. :/ Anyways, how much nga po?”

Lady 1 scoffs again and directs me near where the products are and lifts the black eyeliner, “Ito po e 600 plus (I forgot the exact amount).” Mejo (ang jeje, I know, fine Medyo,)sarcastic/amused pa nga yung tone e.

“Ah, ok. 3 colors lang po siya no?” I was reaching for the liner when she winced and placed the liner back. My eyes shot wide and I was very much insulted now.

Eto pero ang pamatay.

Lady 1, “Bakit po ba ma’am? :D”

Daaahhhhh, siguro kasi bibili ako diba?

I was really insulted now, I had a silent debate between what I should respond to her.

D. Taas kilay sabay sabi, “Why is there a need for you to be so rude and annoying? I’m a customer, you’re a saleslady. Do the math.”

(And yes, when I am freakishly mad, I speak in perfect English XD)

Luckily, I didn’t respond with any of these statements and instead, I couldn’t help but drop my smile and put on a black expression while saying in a low tone, “OK, thanks.”

Then I left. Nawalan ako ng gana bumili.

I told my sister who was actually the one who was most interested in purchasing the liner of what happened. She was furious and she wanted to confront the people there. I was able to convince her to do otherwise. I refused to let us stoop down to their level.

My ate even said that the next time that we’ll both enter the store, she’d buy not just the whole liner but the whole set for the both of us (lucky for me) and remind those Bs of what they did to me.

We have nothing against the franchise but I just wish that the people of the higher-ups would make it a point not to only ensure that their employees look presentable on the outside (di nga rin e) but also make sure to make over the attitude of their employees.

Ladies, develop a filter. Having a bit of tact kills no one. It saves them.
I say, if you can’t save face, save voice.

Don’t blurt out prejudiced statements just because of how people look. If you do, they’ll come looking for you with a formal complaint.

Just a quick fact: I wanted to use the eyeliner for my Death (The Sandman) cosplay and my ate was supposed to use it for her Lady Gaga look. But now, I'm considering other options >:D

(No images for this one, I won't waste effort for it.)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who is the Eyeliner-wearing Bully?

Hi there, this is Faye’s/shiori/loligoth13’s (dA)/insertpersonalnicknamehere’s personal blog account intended for public viewing by friends and enthusiasts alike.

And to answer your question, Yes. I am Eccentric. Sue Me. (And no dufus, my name is not Eccentric. Read opening statement).

I am also, eclectic/hyperactive/weird/the stereotypical control freak/ the nice girl with a devilish grin and legendary temper /emoticon abuser XD (see?) XD and all around bully. Seriously, ask my seatmate >:D

And with Eccentricism (I like inventing words for convenience, thank you very much) or what not, comes the superficial need to become highly aware of how one appears.

Then again, if vanity is a sin, then call me damned. (I’m pretty sure after you read my first entry that some of you are already plotting my sentence >:D. Get ready, ‘cause I’m not kidding about the vain and eccentric part).

I tend to get distracted easily by the most subtle of objects and tend to change the topics instantly because I forget what I-oh look! A dragonfly!
Where was I?

In case some of you haven’t noticed, I talk/write a lot. As in A LOT. In fact, I’ve probably posted and said enough words that could fill the Great Wall of China (You guys should try it sometimes, I heard Mount Everest is already half-full).

Basically here’s what you have to know:

Faye. BS Psychology. UST. Filipino-Spanish-Italian-Supernatural entity. Writer. Speaker. Cosplayer. Rookie Photographer. Photo Manipulator. Random. Blah. Blah. Blah…


Dear B4 and P2,
Heto na. XD Enjoy reading my nonsense ranting.

I would also like to thank the following people:

For being the cutest smartypants with the same exact interests as me. :3

Thanks to you, I’ll be able to write a dictionary that will sweep the Filipino nation on its feet. XD
Kung FB lang ‘to, “ili-likes this” ko na XD

My very own guardian devil. Salbahe ka talaga kaya idol kita XD Nah, you’re actually so nice and funny. Di ko lang alam kung bakit 100% evil yung lumabas sa FB ap. O_O

My darling aswang, wala akong masabi. Tititigan ko na lang yerpess, smile na ako :D Awwww…. Without you, my pen name wouldn’t be possible.

For being the loveliest pokemon and the most sane person in our group. Ikaw na lang ang natatanging matino saamin XD

Sige na nga, Migs,
KOKEY. Sige, tawa ka na ng biglaan. Sige na, go. :D
That’s all for now :3

Oh and if you’ve reached this far, it means that hindi ka pa nag-aaral. Wushuu, wag ka na magdeny >:D J-K lang.
