Every year, we plan a day where we go stuff ourselves, go shopping and basically just relax for a at least a day or two. The whole trip was quite something alright but it didn't exactly start of in great terms.
Our car got a flat tire from all of the things that we brought with us, including the live chickens that my dad's friend ordered. We were already at mid-SLEX when it happened. Thank goodness though that my dad, ever so prepared, brought with him 3 jacks XD Yes, his spare has a spare :D Our driver, Kuya Santi, was also able to change the tire within a few minutes. Thank goodness we were close by a gasoline/vulcanizing station and we were able to arrive in Manila safely. Our first stop was at Burger King in E-rod where we waited for my eldest to arrive. We had breakfast there and I took a few family photos while waiting. (More photos can be seen on my FB account. I won't be posting a lot of fam photos here for privacy reasons.)
Happy Holidays!
Will post more photos soon! :DDDDD