Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Out of this world

doodle by yours truly
By popular demand XD

According to the ever trusted Wikipedia,

Alien or Aliens may refer to:


I've met a certain ET who should most definitely take a rocketship home. I'm sorry but whoever you are, you are getting on my nerves. It's bad enough that you (among your kind) claim to be this highly intelligent hardworking species but you just won't stop at that. You want to take over the world and all its glory and claim that you've done it all on your own and benefit from your own hard work. That's bull. Take the movies perse, is not through observation of these supernatural beings on humans that they are able to conquer the planet? Is it not that they change their skin in order to blend with our species? To belong? (Yeah, you can trash the thing about the movies shit but I will state my point.)

There are just these annoying people with weird faces who love basking in reflected glory! I mean who does that? Say for example, lie in front of your professor and be all high and mighty about an assignment that you contributed little to? Hello! Modesty aside, I WAS APPOINTED THE LEADER. And I was even considerate enough to give you little work in order for you to meet the deadline of another project! And to think you were the last person to send me your share of the work which turned up WRONG. I didn't bother letting you correct it because of the lack of time, I wasn't even able to study well for a quiz because of said homework. YOU really boiled it all when you went all "jolly-airhead" when you volunteered to talk about our assignment. Your pretentious explanation of what our homework is about sickens me. Why? Well first of, it's a RESEARCH work, YOU were supposed to READ the JOURNALS that YOU DENIED and IMPATIENTLY didn't WAIT for. All that false passion shit, does not work well with me. And guess what, you would've compensated if you asked for me to HELP you. Damn it. YOU ARE A SELFISH CRETIN.

I say,

You do not belong.
No human would ever be so vile.

Modesty aside once more, I am generally a patient and nice person and considering the amount of ethics that I gave to you because of "issues" with others, you disgust me to the core.

I am trying to just be casual with you because you are still "allegedly" a person.

But do that again and you'll see STARS :))) And I promise, that one's gonna take you home >:D

P.S Have you ever watched Mars Attacks, you know the Burton Classic? Well, I've always wondered if you listen to this music on you overly used earphones, that one day, your permanently tipped head will explode.

Yes. I get mad but only for good reason, because you stupid alien, most definitely did NOT COME IN PEACE.

1 comment:

  1. BENTA YUNG MARS ATTACK! pinanuod ko. :))
    oh well, swak na swak naman to. Sobrang tanga naman if di alam kung sino to.
