Thursday, December 30, 2010

End the year with a bang or boom

It’s been at least half a month since I last played RockBand, about half a year since my last Con, 2 and a half years since I last played with my guitar and now here I am typing this entry on my blog New Year’s Eve. This blog hasn’t been online for long but since I first started it, it has changed my life in a number of ways unimaginable. I feel kind of bipolar and schizophrenic at the same time whenever I write on this blog. One moment I’m ranting about this thing that happened and the next I’m being all emotional and thankful for another. I feel different at times. Lighter in the least whenever I write here. Typically, I’m not one to shy away from how I truly feel when it comes to writing. This blog has served as a part of my journal that I am willing to share and relate with others. I fear no such criticism and anger with what I write here. And if I acquire readers that I am not in close relations with, please forgive my honest and seemingly shocking language. I do not mean to harm anyone or anything. I am here simply because I want to express myself in the most truthful way possible. I may not always share everything that happens in my life but I will write things that I think are beneficial to others. I may seem opinionated and selfish and I do apologize but please be cautious with judgment since what I state is merely a personal opinion and it does not reflect my whole being in the most one-sided manner. I do thank all those people which have made my stay here an enjoyable and I do hope to become more active with managing my blog. I have other online work places you see and with the hectic time in school , I cannot promise a regular update. Still, I want to make an effort to update. My time here means time for myself. I am a workaholic and sometimes I tend to work too much. And this year, I will avoid at all costs overworking myself for I’ve learned that the hard way.

It’s the New Year and seriously, I would like to start fresh in a number of ways. Believe it or not, at 18, I still make a list my New Year’s Resolutions. Sad to say, for the past years, I honestly never fulfill the whole list but I do try. I guess what my list is trying to tell me is to be more REALISTIC XD haha! FOINE!

Anywho, hopefully my more realistic list will get more checkmarks this coming year. Hey couldn’t blame a girl for wishing to go to AFA LOL.

This year has been quite a ride. From almost making it to the Dean’s List (BITTER!!!), to my 18th birthday, wowza, I can’t believe how time has passed by so quickly!

Posted below are a few pictures and screen shots of what I’ve been up to the whole year.

Alice In Wonderland Photoshoot (c)fayerayosphotography and postprocessing

Pandora Cosplay Cirque's First Anniversary

Backdoor Venture's Arts And Music Fashion Show
Fictionpress story updates

Summer Cos-Tour
Vamp-ed Shoot
Volturi Reunion
18th Birthday

Paskuhan 2010

Christmas 2010

To the people I’ve shared a wonderful year with, thank you! I wouldn’t have survived without you. I will leave 2010 without regrets no matter what and I look forward to 2011. And as I go back to regular classes in the Main Building of UST, I give a toast to the next 400 years!


Let’s all be a firework and give light and joy to everyone J


The eyeliner wearing bully, faye



1 comment:

  1. I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions, but I believe in YOU.

    You can achieve whatever you aspire. All you have to do is trust yourself, and trust ME for TRUSTING YOU. :)

    Happy New Year, Faye!
